Saturday, May 30, 2009

I should be putting away some laundry right now. But obviously I'm not. I'm procrastinating. I had a good day today. I went to a park near the lake and walked a long trail with someone I can appreciate spending time with. Life has been pretty sucky for the last few months. Actually, it was sucky for a while before that too, but I just figured that's life, and you deal with it. I'm kind of in that frame of mind now too, about just dealing with my mess of a life. But since I have a decent job that I like, and I've been feeling a bit happier lately, I'm thinking maybe things will go in a positive direction. Maybe? Please?

Thursday, May 28, 2009

I guess a blog is like a publicly viewable diary? Makes sense. Of course I will be much more guarded than I would be in a private diary. And I will try harder to be funny because that's my thing. Some people rely on their beauty or brains to measure their self worth, not me. I am short on both those things, so I look to humor. I probably fall flat in the funny department most of the time, but I guess it's not how successful I am at being funny that counts, it's how successful I think I am that matters most.