Thursday, May 28, 2009

I guess a blog is like a publicly viewable diary? Makes sense. Of course I will be much more guarded than I would be in a private diary. And I will try harder to be funny because that's my thing. Some people rely on their beauty or brains to measure their self worth, not me. I am short on both those things, so I look to humor. I probably fall flat in the funny department most of the time, but I guess it's not how successful I am at being funny that counts, it's how successful I think I am that matters most.


  1. Will I learn anything here that I don't in our talks? LOL - Ok, that's ME being funny!

  2. I hope you humor is better in writing than in real life, har dee har har!!! Oh, can you change the color of your font it's kind of hard to read! Kthxbai!
