Monday, February 22, 2010

Feb. 21st Article

Monroe Evening News, The (MI)

Tea Party message: Get involved now
Michelle Swartz
Published: February 21, 2010
• An indoor Tea Party Saturday informed the public about government overspending and urged participants to become precinct delegates. Carol Pinchoff of Monroe only could shake her head after watching a video from a 2005 interview Ben Bernanke.

A TV news reporter asked the future Federal Reserve chairman the worst-case scenario of a housing bubble bursting, causing economic devastation that could lead to a recession.

"It's a pretty unlikely possibility," he responded. "We've never had a decline in house prices on a nationwide basis. ... I don't think it's going to drive the economy too far from its full employment path, though."

Five years later, Mrs. Pinchoff reflects on his comments in hindsight.

"He had it totally wrong," she said. "It's just another example of how we're headed in the wrong direction."

She, along with her husband, Andy, and many other Monroe County residents attended an indoor Tea Party Saturday at Triumph Academy. Hosted by the Conservative Caucus of Monroe County, the event was held to help raise awareness about hyperinflation and provide information about banking basics and how to become a precinct delegate in the party of one's choice.

"Our goal is to get people involved. We want to get conservatives into office and the corruption out of government," said Jeff Andring of Newport, a member of the local caucus. "We're talking to people about becoming candidates for precinct delegates because you can't make changes until you're in office. We're hoping to see more conservatives represented at all levels, from school boards to Congress."

The caucus' affiliate organization, Campaign Committee for Michigan Conservatives, also took part in the event. Both organizations offered information about their goals and upcoming events. Several video clips were shown regarding basic banking and the looming problem of hyperinflation in our country.

The video presentation on hyperinflation featured clips of politicians debating the issue and offering alarming facts. For example, the United States was the world's largest creditor in the 1970s. Today, however, it is the world's largest debtor.

The public also heard, via video, another disturbing trend in government. Since President Obama has been elected, the Federal Reserve's bailout commitments has risen from $7.4 trillion to $14.2 trillion, a figure that nears the nation's gross domestic product. Some are worried that such spending could create a debacle much like that experienced in Zimbabwe, where hyperinflation devastated the country's currency.

"It's just scary to hear these things," said Jessica Marlow of Ida. "You try not to panic, but you can't help but be concerned."

As a conservative, she attended the Tea Party to learn more about government issues. She was pleased to see people taking time to attend Saturday's three-hour program.

"For some reason, Tea Parties are portrayed negatively in the media," she said. "They're not about angry people shouting. These are people who have come here to listen to informative presentations."

Mr. and Mrs. Pinchoff attended two other local Tea Parties held this past year.

"I understand where they are coming from," Mrs. Pinchoff said of the local conservative caucus. "I agree we need to stand up and do something quickly. One way we can make a difference is in the ballot box."

The Conservative Caucus of Monroe County, which began nearly two years ago, is a nonpartisan organization.

"It was started by concerned citizens whose conservative beliefs and voices are not being heard," Mr. Andring explained. "Events like this give us a chance to educate people so we can begin to take our country back."


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello Jess, my name is Chris and I am a member of the caucus and would like to have a minute of your time. I like your writing and would like to speak with you in private. If you want to respon and we can find a way to communicate out of the public eye. Thank you.
