Sunday, December 20, 2009

I rarely write on this blog. So I figured I had better breathe a little life into it before it dies completely. But really the reason I decided to say some stuff here and now is that I wanted to vent, just slightly though, because my new motto for the last couple weeks is HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY, no matter what. So unless I hear some crazy sad news that directly effects me in a very negative way, I'm happy. :)

Now on to the venting (not bitching) part....okay I was interrupted just as I was about to say what I intended to share. The funny thing is I was going to say how when my daughter's with the other grandparents for the weekend like she is right now and I have nowhere to go and no plans so I'm just hanging out at home, I really just want to be left alone. And as I sat here about to say that, I was not left alone. My mom came to ask if I was depressed. She said I looked depressed earlier when I came home. No, I'm not depressed. I'm just wishing I lived elsewhere so when I was alone, I could really be alone. I love my daughter and other people close to me, but if they aren't around I don't mind sitting at home alone reading, doing housework, listening to the radio, watching a movie, whatever. But I really don't want to be forced into conversations I have no interest in being involved in in the first place. I know I sound way harsh right now but it's just because I lack personal space here. I need some space. BADLY. I never needed this much space when I lived with either of my ex's or my roommate. But with parents it's somehow different. I don't mind when my daughter comes in with me and we just hang out, that seems right. But this situation is choking the life out of me.

Okay, I vented and I feel better. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!

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