Monday, September 7, 2009

So today is Labor Day. I try to be a good American, but honestly I couldn't tell you the actual difference between this day and Memorial Day. I'm sorry! I know I should be patriotic and supportive on both days, and I try to be, so I hope that redeems my lack of attention to the specific meaning of each of those two holidays. That being said, I had two pieces of apple pie today! Holidays seem to give us (me for sure) a license to eat however much of whatever we want. I had a hot dog, some potato chips, some Pepsi, and the pie! That is out of control, so luckily I have until at least my daughter's birthday in about 5 weeks before I may be eating so badly again.

Now that I have set up the day, I will add that I spent a few hours at a cook out at my aunt's house. And here is where the day took a turn that required me to blog. There was a relative there, a cousin of mine, who was out of control. He is roughly 26 or 27 years old. He has no job, no social skills, lives at home with his parents, and knows EVERYTHING in the world. No seriously, just ask him. And you know where he learned most of EVERYTHING? The internet, of course. So you know EVERYTHING is very reliable information.

For instance, he told of 9/11 being an inside job and that it was missiles, not planes that hit the towers. I was trying to be quiet during all his rantings, but at that missile comment I had to speak up, and I said, "I don't buy that conspiracy, I was a grown up at the time it happened and I saw the second plane hit the second tower on t.v." I realize there are things manufactured for t.v. but I don't believe the planes hitting the World Trade Centers were anything other than what they seemed. He also mentioned how titanium won't melt at a certain temperature, blah blah blah. I nearly laughed out loud. I said, "I'm not a rocket scientist." And he sort of chuckled and said, "Well, I...." And I finished the sentance he left hanging with, "" And everyone sort of laughed because he learned everything he thinks he knows from other internet cooks. He said he researches these things. Yeah, on the internet! From other wackos that write whatever they feel like writing. One of my aunts leaned over and commented at one point that he needs a volume button. He was so loud and nutty sounding. He is the kind of person that makes those of us who LEGITIMATELY question the government look and seem crazy. Not cool, not cool at all.

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